Monday, April 14, 2008


终于!!! 终于!!! 哈哈... 把这部长达60集的港剧给看完了!!!
至从过年前不久开始看, 到这四月头方才看完它. 呵呵...

不过, 别怀疑这部港剧的可看度. 比起以前的港剧重头戏, 它虽然不是最棒的, 但它还算是相当"重头"的. 这可是TVB以庆祝香港回归十周年为由, 而与大陆合作开拍的一部港剧. 当然, 用的演员可是不马虎的.

在比较熟悉的香港演员中, 绝大部分都是"老戏骨"或是有相当戏龄的. 当然也有一些TVB打算力捧的...

其实, 故事的开头适应还有一些"不习惯"... 一开始播着李克勤唱的主题曲, 然而在每一集的结束却放着一首中华乐曲... 哈哈... 超怪的... 加上一些大陆演员的参与... 就因为很明显他们说的是华语对白却把粤语对白给硬配上去. 听起来好像很牵强因为大陆的部分是在北京取景的... 哈哈.

故事大纲是讲述华家三兄弟如何一起建立属于华人的汽车王国而经历的一些风风雨雨. 瞥开故事情节不多说, 我却来说说观后感吧.

让我特别较注意的是每部港剧大制作的卖点- 反派角色.

看得出这部港剧想摆脱以往的大制作反派角色的框框. 从一个大好人或不起眼的角色因某缘故而一念之差变坏. 杀人放火到最后却落个身亡的悲剧.

以我的观感, 这部港剧有三个反派角色. 第一个反派角色是由佘诗蔓饰的绣凤. 其实她并不算很反派. 全因她固执地对事情和爱情的不解, 误会与不甘, 使她走向想报复的思想和行为. 但在爱情的化解和事情的明白下, 她最终能回头做回一个好人. 她的良心并没有被淹没.

第二个反派是由伍卫国饰的危天行. 他一出场就是一个大勒勒的霸道人物. 全因他的极端想法和与不顺利的往事引发. 他做事的心狠手辣让很多人难以启齿. 最终, 他虽然有权有势, 但人生却是寂寞的. 他在得了脑癌后, 开始收敛了他的霸气. 在死前, 他才慢慢领悟了一些人生和成就的道理.

第三个反派由马德钟饰的危永标是最可怕的. 他一开始只不过是个很有能力的老板得力助手, 但他的不平遭遇慢慢使他的不平衡心理越演越烈. 不甘, 恨意, 野心和贪婪都怀在他的心里, 而这一些他都不露出来. 他尽力地在人人面前表演一个好好先生, 背后却绞尽脑汁来布局一切以达到他要的... 但到最后, 他还是被刘松仁饰的华文翰给"感化". 结果, 带着悔意自首入狱. 出狱后做回好人.

这部港剧就这样带出三种反派. 而每个反派到最后都有回头的安排. 并没有大悲剧发生. 当然, 伍卫国饰的危天行是被马德钟饰的危永标以见死不救的念头逼死的. 但也没有什么一般精彩的反派"结束".

所以说, 这部港剧也就因为这样, 失去了一些精彩. 然而, 这三种反派却给故事"实现"了它名副其实的剧名 - 岁月风云.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What a Terrible Days....

Argh.... I've been down with terrible things during these past few days...

On Tuesday morning when I woke up, I feel a little discomfort in my stomach. Thinking it was possibly the cause of wind exposure during my sleep, I ignore it. After sending my little Wayne off and on my way to work, I feel the escalation of discomfort... Worrying that I may not be able to tolerate during office hours, I proceed straight to nearby clinic. End up... I got an MC as the doctor suspected it could be my stomach flu.... During that day, I've been visiting toilet number of times...

On Wednesday, as usual, I went back to work... though not totally recovering well, I hope that it should be ok to work. However, during the whole day in office, I've been tolerating my discomfort again as my throat is abit soar and feeling heaty inside. Finally, after work, I have no choice but to visit doctor again.... and.... of course taking my MC for the following day...

Things are going so far so good that I manage to bring my wife and little Wayne to swimming pool and even have dinner with my in-laws at Swensen on Good Friday. But... story does not end... on Saturday when I woke up feeling the tension and pain in my stomach, I began to visit toilet again and again... Whoa loa!!! Why I'm so suay!!!

My wife starts to worry my condition and persuade me to visit doctor again. Third time liao leh!!! Well, the incident is posted in my wife's blog which I won't elaborate further....

With my wife's queries to doctor this time, the doctor suspected it could be due to IBS (Irritating Bowel Syndrome) in me after my appendix operation in 2003 because I can easily get stomach flu or diarrhea after eating spicy or oily food (like KFC's hot n spicy, Thai Express spicy foods, etc... argh....).

IBS... IBS... well, if you don't know this, you can easily get to know about it from webbie search...

Now, doctor has prescribed me some medicines. Including them is regulator tablet to control my IBS and I've to be under-observed for 1 week while continuously taking it.

Hopefully, it can end my 'sufferings' so that I can enjoy 'good' food without worrying my this... IBS.... ggrrr....

Sigh.... what a problem in me.... sigh....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

张韶涵 - ang 5.0

当我看到这张专辑的名称, 就好奇怎么张韶涵开始用那么technical的做法来用version形容自己的专辑. 原来她是想告诉大家这已是她的第五张专辑了. 哈哈...

没错! 她在乐坛渐渐赢得了听众对她的肯定. 我觉得她就胜在她的独特嗓音和选唱的歌曲来突显一定的辩识度. 纵然她过去已有好几首代表作的歌曲, 她的一些新歌还是保持她的一贯很Angela的风格.

她这张专辑并没有特别地告诉大家主打歌有那些. 整张专辑走的是慢打路线. 当然, 它也是多多少少靠偶像剧打歌的方法.

track 1: 我恋爱了
是一首很典型的Angela轻快歌. 还OK的.

track 2: 不想懂得
这肯定是最K的一首情歌. 在电台常会听到的歌. 是一部偶像剧"公主小妹"的歌.

track 3: 亲爱的, 那不是爱情
是我在这专辑里最喜欢的歌. 也是在电台常会听到的. 没想到是由黄金组合 - 方文山和周杰伦的创作. 赞! 起初还听不出是他们的创作呢.

track 4: 床边故事
简单的旋律配上"童真"的词. 是首越听越出味的歌.

track 5: 头号甜心
富有"let's party!"摇滚轻快味道的一首歌来对爱的鼓舞. 由范玮琪做的曲.

track 6: 重来
这首歌的词曲作者让我"哦"一声. 因为他是快乐帮里的冠军 - 韦礼安. 但始终觉得普通的一首歌.

track 7: 能不能勇敢说爱

track 8: 失忆
久违的林隆璇写的一首歌. 是一首可以慢慢digest的歌.

track 9: 乐园
一首轻快和带有waltz feel的歌. 能让你左右摇一下. 哈哈.

track 10: 谁爱谁
本地才女蔡健雅的创作. 很有Tanya's local的曲风.

整张专辑是有一定耐听的程度. 它肯定是不会让人听了一遍就弃一旁的专辑. 是近期值得考虑的专辑.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Long Service Recognition

Saw a broadcast email from my company HR regarding an announcement of Long Service Award. A list of colleagues is out to receive 'something' in Apr 2008. And I'm one of them.

It's a kinda policy of my company to work continuously for 5 years before getting this recognition...but wait... I've worked continuously for more than 6 years and finally get to hear this 'motivated' announcement. At first I thought my company may have cancelled this 'motivation' or whatever and I'll be the 'unlucky' one being silently affected. *sob sob*

Well, I'm not alone. A colleague has the same 'fate' as me. We even joke that this award to us can be termed as Overdue Award instead. Hahaha. I think in future it'll be difficult for any new guys in my company to break our record liao - more than 6 years to get the recognition leh. So, come to think of it, I and my fellow colleague (sharing the same fate with me) should gloriously feel proud of it. Haha!

Come, come, come... Have a loud cheer for us both!!!


WooHoo!!! Got my results!!!

What I can say is "Finally!!! I got my Master programme cleared!!!" Haha.

Well, I've spent 2.5 years, plus $$$ to get thru this programme. Glad that now can have time to take a break from study-ing and exam-ing. Hehe. Of course, learning still goes on. No learning, no growing. Or even worse, being outdating. To move life on, learning is nevertheless part and parcel thing... even at retiring age. 所谓 "学海无尽头". And here, I gotta admit that by taking up my master programme, I have more or less attained another level of knowledge high up. So, it's a worthy experience afterall.

Here, let me cheer for myself. YUM.... SENG!!! Haahaahaa...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Exam Period Over !!!

Whew!!! I'm back!!! Exam over!!!

Well, I've finished my last 2 subjects for my Master programme. If I'm lucky enough to clear them, I'll be FREE from study and get my Master!!! WooHoo!!!

Ok ok... don't be so happy yet. Results out then woohoo loud loud again....

Think I'll try to be a little bit more active in my blog liao. What's things am I going to blog? Most probably some "观后感" of CDs or movies or serials or articles... blah blah blah.

So, let's 期待 my coming new posts.

Do stay tune! Haha...

Friday, September 14, 2007


Well, up to now, I have not posted anything about my little 宝贝 here. My dear have 'commented' that how come I didn't talk about our little one in my blog one.

Oh, sorry lah. I admit I kinda lazy bum bum to the extent of finding hassle in extracting pictures from handphone and camera. :-p But I'll do so whenever there's a chance. Glee....

Anyway, let's show off my lazy 'skill' again! Haha... I save an image of our little 宝贝 posted in my dear's blog (she nicks him as her chu chu). It is taken... eh... last Friday at J8.

See. He's enjoying in this 'school bus'. Haha. I think he'll love driving one.
Maybe one day in future when I have a car, I believe he'll like to borrow the car from me one (of course that he manages to obtain his own driving license lah). Hehe...